




・client command
show dbs
use sample
=>条件検索、ne(not equal) gt,gte,in,lt,lte,ninなどがある。
db.sample_coll.find( {$where:""})
db.sample_coll.update({ "_id" : ObjectId("51068b04b796a688e5d541a9")}, {$set : { "key1" : "value100", "key2" : "value200" }},false,true)

MongoDB allows multiple clients to read and write a single corpus of data using a locking system to ensure that all clients receive the same view of the data
and to prevent multiple applications from modifying the exact same pieces of data at the same time.
 Locks help guarantee that all writes to a single document occur either in full or not at all.
 MongoDB uses a readers-writer [1] lock that allows concurrent reads access to a database but gives exclusive access to a single write operation

 =>Apache Hadoopは大規模データの分散処理を支えるJavaソフトウェアフレームワークであり、フリーソフトウェアとして配布されている
■■■Spring Data
実際にはSpring Dataプロジェクトはさらにサブプロジェクトとしてサポートするデータベースに応じて開発・提供が行われています

言語: Scala, Java, Objective-C, C++, Python, Ruby, JavaScript など
ミドルウェア・フレームワーク: Cocos2d-x, Unity, Play framework, Lift など
DB: MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra??なにこれは?, Memcached など
管理: Git, Redmine, Capistrano, Chef など dumbo???????

■It turns out that MongoDB is immediately attractive, not because of its scaling strategy,
but rather because of its intuitive data model. Given that a document-based data
model can represent rich, hierarchical data structures, it’s often possible to do without
the complicated multi-table joins imposed by relational databases. For example,
suppose you’re modeling products for an e-commerce site. With a fully normalized
relational data model, the information for any one product might be divided among
dozens of tables. If you want to get a product representation from the database shell,
we’ll need to write a complicated SQL query full of joins
. As a consequence, most
developers will need to rely on a secondary piece of software to assemble the data into
something meaningful.
most developers now work with objectoriented
languages, and they want a data store that better maps to objects
