- wechat miniApp: wx.login -> code
- wechat miniApp: wx.request , send code to server api
- server request
- wechat API,get openId and sesion_key: https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/jscode2session?appid=a&secret=b&js_code=codegrant_type=authorization_code
- use openId and session_key to generate access token
- response access token and openId to miniAPP(token1)
- wechat miniApp: wx.getSetting check user's authority.if not ,request user's authority.
- wechat miniApp: wx.getUserInfo can get user info.
- server request wechat api to get token(token2) :
- https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?appid=a&secret=b&grant_type=client_credential
- server request wetchat api use token