
E talking 20190703

the statute(法令) of limitations
prescription 処方箋、取得時効
How many year is the statute of limitation in France.

For example, I borrowed 1000 yen from you. and you never  asked me to return your money for ten years. 
then i will not have to return your money because of the statute fo limitations.
you will lose your right.

For example, A man has three sons and He saved  3000 yen. When he die ,How much will   his  each son will get  from him .
That is a problem about  inherence

i dont remember 覚えていない
i cant remember 思い出せない

I will play guitar when i really have other things to do. The priority is low.

estate財産, real estate不動産
certification 資格
By the law ,there must be one employee with certification per 5 employees
employee 従業員
employer 雇用主
supe rior 上長

borrow a book from you. (無料?)
you lend you a book
rent you the book(有料)

They told me that my superior said many bod things about me when they had lunch together.
Then somedays later ,i had a chance to have lunch together with my superior.
And i certified that bad things with my superior , he known nothing about that.
i think they just wanted to make the relationship bad 

in a short term, i met my wife by chance for many times.and we talked a lot .